Submit an article
All articles submitted should be original works and must not be under consideration by other publishers. All submissions are subject to double-blind peer review by at least two scholars. Please read the editorial policies in full before submission to ensure the requirements are met.
Nordicom’s publications are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence, which allows for non-commercial, non-derivative types of reuse and sharing with proper attribution.
All submissions to Nordicom Review are submitted to Similarity Check – a Crossref service utilising iThenticate text comparison software to detect text-recycling or plagiarism.
When we receive properly formatted manuscripts, it allows us to efficiently review your submission; we therefore reserve the right to return for revision submissions not in accordance with the points below. Please use our templates to assist you in correctly formatting your manuscript and cover letter.
How to submit an article
Send your manuscript and a cover letter, using the template available to download above, to:
Submission requirements
- General
Word limit: 7,000–9,000 words, including abstract, endnotes, and references.
All requirements outlined in the manuscript template, available to download above, should be followed.
Anonymise any references involving the authors to prepare for double-blind peer review.
Do not include funding information or previous projects with which you have been involved in the body text. This information should be included in your cover letter and will be added to an acknowledgements section after peer review.
All use of material, either direct or indirect, should be accompanied by an appropriate in-text citation, including material previously published by the author, which should be rewritten or summarised to avoid text-recycling or self-plagiarism.
Manuscripts should be proofread, professionally if needed, prior to submission.
- References and citations
All references should follow current APA formatting and include a DOI if available (including books).
Do not use “ibid.” in in-text citations.
Empirical material that is publicly available must have an entry in the reference list; unpublished material, such as interviews, do not. When citing empirical research material, include in-text citations with relevant information. ead our guide for citing and referencing empirical material to ensure you meet the requirements.
- Endnotes
Endnotes should be limited to the provision of valuable information to support or augment an argument that is too long to include in the body text. Short notes should be included within parentheses in the text.
Endnotes should not be used for URLs (e.g., web pages, YouTube videos, or social media posts), which should be in the list of references with full information.
- Figures
Figures should only be included if they illustrate or highlight something that cannot be easily described in the text.
Nordicom has a specific graphic profile, and we format all figures and graphics in our publications in accordance with this profile to produce consistent and correct publications of high quality.
In order to be included in our publications, figures must meet the following requirements:
Provide each figure in an individual, separate file clearly labelled with the figure number.Provide charts, graphs, diagrams, and the like in an editable format (charts and graphs submitted as image files will not be accepted).
The minimum requirement for images such as screenshots is a width of 100mm and a resolution of 200 dpi. These images can be included within the manuscript.
For high quality reproductions, aim for a width of 170mm and 300 dpi. Provide each image in a separate file (we accept jpg, jpeg, png, tif, and similar formats).
The approximate place in the manuscript where a figure should be placed must be indicated, for example, “[Figure 1 here]”.
All figures must have a call-out in the body text, for example, "(see Figure 2)" or “As Figure 2 shows…”
It is the author’s responsibility to obtain any permission that may be needed for using third-party material. - Tables
Tables should not repeat what is in the text, but only present new information or illustrate something that is difficult to describe in the text.
Tables should be created with the table function in Word, not by using tabs or the space bar (tables submitted as image files or in Excel will not be accepted).
Table structure should be as simple as possible, in order for readers using assistive technology such as screen readers to be able to access the information contained in the table. Prioritise smaller sub-tables over large, complex tables.
Please consider that text-heavy large tables may not be legible in the typeset version.
After acceptance
Manuscripts that are accepted for publication in Nordicom Review will have to meet the final manuscript delivery requirements laid out in the instructions for authors before preparation for publication can start.
For general inquiries and questions, please contact Nordicom’s managing editor. For specific questions or concerns about the formatting requirements, please contact Nordicom’s manuscript editor.
Managing editor: Josefine Bové,
Manuscript editor: Kristin Clay,
Page last updated February 2024