Nordic media development
Nordicom documents and analyses the media development in the Nordics as part of a mandate from the Nordic Council of Ministers. The purpose is to describe trends and changes in the Nordic media landscape.
The results are presented in reports, factsheets, newsletters, and statistical compilations that are freely available on our website.

Swedish media development
Part of Nordicom's mandate from the Swedish Ministry of Culture includes compiling Swedish media statistics and documenting ownership and market conditions in the Swedish media market.
The results are presented in reports and compilations that are freely available on our website.

The Media Barometer
The Media Barometer [Mediebarometern] is an annual survey focusing on how the Swedish population uses media on traditional and digital platforms on an average day. The survey is conducted by Nordicom with support from the Swedish Ministry of Culture.
The results from the Media Barometer are presented in reports and seminars, which are made freely available on our website.