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Anthology | 2024

Innovation Through Crisis: Journalism and News Media in Transition

Mona K. Solvoll, Ragnhild Kr. Olsen (Eds.)

This book provides insights into the interplay between crisis, resilience, and innovation within news media.

Report | 2024

Mediebarometern 2023

Jonas Ohlsson (Ed.)

Mediebarometern [Media Barometer] 2023 (in Swedish) is an annual survey of the Swedish population's access to and use of different types of media. The survey has been conducted since 1979, making the Media Barometer the oldest study of its kind in the world. The results of the 2023 survey are based on responses from around 6,000 randomly selected people aged 9 to 85.

Anthology | 2024

The Future of the Nordic Media Model: A Digital Media Welfare State?

Peter Jakobsson, Johan Lindell, Fredrik Stiernstedt (Eds.)

The media systems of the Nordic countries have for long been characterised by universality, freedom, trust, and cooperation between stakeholders. In comparative media systems research, the Nordic countries have been described as belonging to a single model – the Nordic media welfare state. The future of this model is now more uncertain than ever, as it is under increasing pressure from global tech companies, new digital media infrastructure, and developments in media policy, which all seem to elude domestic regulatory control.

Monograph | 2023

Gateways: Comparing Digital Communication Systems in Nordic Welfare States

The Internet is a critical part of the societal infrastructure in the Nordic region – giving rise to increasing concerns about the growing power of global tech corporations that supply the foundation for the region’s evermore digitalised welfare states. Yet, we lack empirical evidence for understanding, discussing, and ultimately regulating the changing power structures surrounding Internet-based communication.

Anthology | 2023

Audiovisual Content for Children and Adolescents in Scandinavia: Production, Distribution, and Reception in a Multiplatform Era

Pia Majbritt Jensen, Eva Novrup Redvall, Christa Lykke Christensen (Eds.)

Scandinavian children and adolescents’ media consumption has changed dramatically in the past decade. Films, series, and social media content on global platforms like Netflix, Disney+, and YouTube are now a major part of young people’s media diet, while encounters with domestic films, series, and platforms are in decline, severely challenging the ways domestic players think about young audiences.

Anthology | 2023

Public Service Media's Contribution to Society: RIPE@2021

Manuel Puppis, Christopher Ali (Eds.)

Public Service Media (PSM) across Europe and beyond are increasingly under pressure, with both their role in a digital environment and their funding widely scrutinised. As a result, PSM organisations are constantly in a defensive position. Following attempts to demonstrate their “public value”, discussion is now turning towards PSM’s “contribution to society”, a concept pushed by the European Broadcasting Union. Yet, to be meaningful for society and to influence PSM organisations, the concept must be more than just an instrument of legitimacy management.

Report | 2023

Mediebarometern 2022

Jonas Ohlsson (Ed.)

Mediebarometern [Media Barometer] 2022 (in Swedish) is an annual survey of the Swedish population's access to and use of different types of media. The survey has been conducted since 1979, making the Media Barometer the oldest study of its kind in the world. The results of the 2022 survey are based on responses from around 6,600 randomly selected people aged 9 to 85.

Anthology | 2023

Everyday Life in the Culture of Surveillance

Lars Samuelsson, Coppélie Cocq, Stefan Gelfgren, Jesper Enbom (Eds.)

Over the recent decades, the possibilities to surveil people have increased and been refined with the ongoing digital transformation of society. Surveillance can now go in any direction, and various forms of online surveillance saturate most people’s lives, which are increasingly lived in digital environments.

Report | 2023

MedieSverige 2023

MedieSverige [MediaSweden] 2023 (in Swedish) provides a broad and up-to-date overview of the Swedish media landscape. The report highlights the development in the media technology and media policy areas in Sweden, discusses the development in the audience and advertising markets, and describes the Swedish media structure.

Report | 2023

Nordic News Media in Global Competition: The Conditions for News Journalism in the Digital Platform Economy

Nordic News Media in Global Competition describes how the Nordic media markets developed between 2016 and 2021. The greatest interest is devoted to the areas where global platforms such as Apple, Facebook, and Google set the framework for the Nordic media companies and their conditions for conducting news journalism.

Anthology | 2023

Communicating a Pandemic: Crisis Management and Covid-19 in the Nordic Countries

Bengt Johansson, Øyvind Ihlen, Jenny Lindholm, Mark Blach-Ørsten (Eds.)

This edited volume compares experiences of how the Covid-19 pandemic was communicated in the Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The Nordic countries are often discussed in terms of similarities concerning an extensive welfare system, economic policies, media systems, and high levels of trust in societal actors. However, in the wake of a global pandemic, the countries’ coping strategies varied, creating certain question marks on the existence of a “Nordic model”. 

Report | 2022

Mediebarometern 2021: Tema bokläsning

Mediebarometern är en årlig undersökning av den svenska befolkningens tillgång till, och användning av, olika typer av medier. Undersökningen har genomförts sedan 1979 och det gör Mediebarometern till den äldsta studien i sitt slag i världen. Resultaten i 2021 års undersökning bygger på svar från omkring 6 000 slumpmässigt utvalda personer i åldern 9 till 85 år. 

Report | 2022

Nordiska nyhetsmedier i global konkurrens: Nyhetsjournalistikens villkor i den digitala plattformsekonomin

Nordiska nyhetsmedier i global konkurrens beskriver hur de nordiska mediemarknaderna utvecklats mellan 2016 och 2021. Störst intresse ägnas de områden där globala plattformar som Apple, Facebook och Google sätter ramarna för Nordens mediebolag och deras förutsättningar att bedriva nyhetsjournalistik. 

Anthology | 2022

Public service: En svensk kunskapsöversikt

Johannes Bjerling (Ed.)

Syftet med Public service: En svensk kunskapsöversikt är att på ett lättillgängligt sätt presentera vad empirisk forskning har kommit fram till i centrala frågor gällande public service. Kapitelförfattarna är verksamma vid svenska universitet och högskolor, och merparten av de resultat och slutsatser som presenteras bygger på genomgångar av tidigare publicerad forskning. I samtliga kapitel är det public services nyhetsjournalistik som fokuseras.

Report | 2022

Mediebarometern 2021

Jonas Ohlsson (Ed.)

Mediebarometern är en årlig undersökning av den svenska befolkningens tillgång till, och användning av, olika typer av medier. Undersökningen har genomförts sedan 1979 och det gör Mediebarometern till den äldsta studien i sitt slag i världen. Resultaten i 2021 års undersökning bygger på svar från omkring 6 000 slumpmässigt utvalda personer i åldern 9 till 85 år.

Anthology | 2022

Success and Failure in News Media Performance: Comparative Analysis in The Media for Democracy Monitor 2021

Josef Trappel, Tales Tomaz (Eds.)

The Media for Democracy Monitor (MDM) assesses the performance of leading news media in mature democracies with regard to three core dimensions of democracy: freedom, equality, and control. In this book, the most salient results from the MDM were selected to undergo cross-country and longitudinal comparison, searching for patterns and tendencies across countries, with a particular focus on the influence of digitalisation.

Monograph | 2021

Wizards of the Web: An Outsider's Journey Into Tech Culture, Programming, and Mathemagics

While algorithms and automated systems themselves are often a topic of controversy and debate, this book is about the people behind them; it is an account of the cultures, values, and imaginations that guide programmers in their work designing and engineering software and digital technology.

Anthology | 2021

The Media for Democracy Monitor 2021: How Leading News Media Survive Digital Transformation (Vol. 1)

Josef Trappel, Tales Tomaz (Eds.)

In a two-volume edition, The Media for Democracy Monitor 2021 delivers a panorama of the news media’s performance regarding freedom, equality and control across 18 countries worldwide.

Anthology | 2021

The Media for Democracy Monitor 2021: How Leading News Media Survive Digital Transformation (Vol. 2)

Josef Trappel, Tales Tomaz (Eds.)

In a two-volume edition, The Media for Democracy Monitor 2021 delivers a panorama of the news media’s performance regarding freedom, equality and control across 18 countries worldwide.

Report | 2021

Mediebarometern 2020

Jonas Ohlsson (Ed.)

Mediebarometern är en årlig undersökning av den svenska befolkningens tillgång till, och användning av, olika typer av medier. Undersökningen har genomförts sedan 1979 och det gör Mediebarometern till den äldsta studien i sitt slag i världen. Resultaten i 2020 års undersökning bygger på svar från omkring 6 000 slumpmässigt utvalda personer i åldern 9 till 85 år.