Nordicom Review 28 (Jubilee Issue) 2007
Communication and Democracy
Broadcasting Regulation vs. Freedom of Expression and Editorial Independence: A Contradictory Relationship?
Helge Rønning
Encircling the Power of Journalism
Martin Eide
Fairness, Informativeness and Scrutiny: The Role of News Media in Democracy
Kent Asp
Marketplace of Ideas and Marketplace of Money: A Study of Commercialism and the Swedish Election News Coverage in 1998 and 2002
Jesper Strömbäck
From Party Press to Independent Observers? An Analysis of Election Campaign Coverage Prior to the General Elections of 1981 and 2005 in Two Norwegian Newspapers
Sigurd Allern
Structures and Practices
The Gender of Journalism: The Structure and Logic of the Field in the Twentieth Century
Monika Djerf-Pierre
Changing Sports, Changing Media: Mass Appeal, the Sports/Media Complex and TV Sports Rights
Knut Helland
Media Markets in Scandinavia: Political Economy Aspects of Convergence and Divergence
Anker Brink Lund
The Role of Free Dailies in a Segregated Society
Ingela Wadbring
Media Institutions as a Research Field: Three Phases of Norwegian Broadcasting Research
Trine Syvertsen, Hallvard Moe
Considering the Field
Media and Communication Studies Going Global
Jan Ekecrantz
Reminiscence of Intellectual Battles: Bygone in Communications Research
Svennik Høyer
Interdisciplinarity and Infrastructure: Mediation and Knotworking in Communication Research
Knut Lundby
Discipline or Field? Soul-searching in Communication Research
Kaarle Nordenstreng
Media and Mass Communication Research – Past, Present and Future: Reflections from a Nordic Horizon
Ulla Carlsson
The Authors

About the Journal
Name: Nordicom Review
Year established: 1980
Subject area: Social Sciences/Communication
Language: English
Format: Digital-only Open Access
Frequency: 2 issues per year
eISSN: 2001-5119
CiteScore: 2.8 (2023)
Journal Impact Factor: 2.0 (2023)