Nordicom Review 30 (Jubilee Issue) 2009
Annabelle Sreberny
Opening Address: Food Meets Media
Vandana Shiva
Plenary I. Media and Global Divide
Media and Gobal Divides: An Introduction
Robin Mansell
Maps and Mandalas, Division and Multiplication: Media and Global Divides
Annabelle Sreberny
Representing the Rise of the Rest as Threat: Media and Global Divides
Jan Nederveen Pieterse Nederveen Pieterse
Plenary II. International Panel on Global Divides
Global Divides in Transnational Media: Managing the Visibility of Suffering
Lilie Chouliaraki
Communication, the Nexus of Class and Nation, and Global Divides: Reflections on China’s Post-Revolutionary Experiences
Yuezhi Zhao
Bridging the Divide between the Press and Civic Society: Civic Media Advocacy as “Media Movement” in Latin America
Silvio Waisbord
Telescopic Philanthropy, Emancipation and Development Communication Theory
Amin Alhassan
Plenary III. Nordic Panel on Global Divides
Unpacking Cultural Divides
Yudhishthir Raj Isar
Dead Ground: Fallacies of Understanding Global Divides, Policy-Making and Communication
Inka Salovaara-Moring
Global Divides and Transnational Media Literacy
Elisabeth Eide
Global Divides in Cosmographic Genres: Charity, Solidarity and Different Explanations of Difference
Anna Roosvall
Media and the Global Divide: A Bottom-up and Citizen Perspective
Thomas Tufte
Open Seminar: African Media Research
From an Echo of the West to a Voice of Its Own? Sub-Saharan African Research under the Loophole
Ullamaija Kivikuru
The Poverty of Journalism and the Politics of Reporting Poverty Statistics in South Africa
Guy Berger
Building an Agenda for Media and Communication Research in Africa
George W. Lugalambi
James Halloran Memorial Lecture
Conversations with my Robot
Cees J. Hamelink
The Authors

About the Journal
Name: Nordicom Review
Year established: 1980
Subject area: Social Sciences/Communication
Language: English
Format: Digital-only Open Access
Frequency: 2 issues per year
eISSN: 2001-5119
CiteScore: 2.8 (2023)
Journal Impact Factor: 2.0 (2023)