Submit a book proposal
We offer a double-blind peer-review process, overseen by our editors, for books directed towards the international research community. Anthologies may be preceded by an open Call for contributions, which our editorial team assists with.
Publishing a book is a lengthy process, and therefore it is not realistic to hope for a book project to be finalised within one year. The role of guest editor requires much work, and we strongly recommend that at least two people share the responsibilities.
Should you be interested in publishing a book with Nordicom, the first step is to contact our managing editor, who will send you the questionnaire to fill out with the details of your proposed book.
- Managing editor: Josefine Bové,
When we evaluate your proposal, we consider whether the proposed topic is appropriate for our aims & scope, whether it will make a needed contribution within our field, and your previous publication experience. We also consider whether the topic is high on the public agenda; we particularly encourage proposals with a policy or democracy dimension.
As a small publisher, we focus on quality rather than quantity. We aim to publish around five academic books per year.
We have prepared guides for anthology editors and monograph authors. These guides contain the information you will need to prepare yourself for your role and responsibilities in the process of publishing a book with Nordicom.
Page last updated July 2024