The Media Barometer [Mediebarometern] is an annual survey focusing on how the Swedish population uses media on traditional and digital platforms on an average day. The Media Barometer is conducted by Nordicom with support from the Swedish Ministry of Culture.

Foto: Scandinav Bildbyrå
The latest report
The Media Barometer 2023 shows that the Swedish population’s media use during the last year stayed at the record-high levels measured in the pandemic years.

Photo: Skandinav Bildbyrå
About the survey
The Media Barometer survey was introduced in 1979 and has since been conducted every year; this makes the Media Barometer the oldest survey of its kind in the world. The survey is carried out online and by telephone and builds on answers from around 6,000 randomly selected respondents.
The results from the Media Barometer are presented in reports and seminars, which are made freely available on Nordicom’s website.

Photo: Skandinav Bildbyrå
Have you been invited to participate?
Have you been invited to participate in the Media Barometer survey? Here, you can read more about what it means to participate and how the survey is carried out.