University of Bergen
The Department of Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen is our Norwegian sister organisation. The collaboration, which is conducted with support from the Norwegian Ministry of Culture, aims to strengthen Nordicom’s Nordic work. Since 2019, the collaboration between Nordicom and the University of Bergen has mainly been concentrated on the operation and development of the digital research platform NordMedia Network.
Swedish Agency for the Media
Nordicom cooperates with the Swedish Agency for the Media in matters concerning the ownership and structure of the Swedish media market. Their annual report series, Media Development: Media Economy [Medieutveckling: Medieekonomi], is produced in collaboration with Nordicom. The Swedish Agency for the Media is also one of the stakeholders behind the Swedish Media Barometer [Mediebarometern] survey (see below). Since 2020, Nordicom has been one of the members of the national network MIL Sweden [MIK Sverige], which is coordinated by The Swedish Agency for the Media (formerly the Swedish Media Council) on behalf of the Swedish government. The network works to strengthen media and information literacy (MIL) in Sweden. Nordicom is the coordinator of the Academic Forum for MIL Research, which is part of MIL Sweden, and aims to bring together Swedish researchers and research institutions with an interest in MIL issues.
The national media research associations in the Nordic countries
Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden have national research associations that bring together media and communication researchers in each country. These are The Danish Association for Media Researchers (SMiD), The Society for Media and Communication Studies in Finland (Mevi ry), the Norwegian Media Research Team (MBL), and The Swedish Association for Media and Communication Studies (FSMK). Together with the national research associations and with representatives of Icelandic media research, Nordicom participates in the organisation of the biennial Nordic media research conference NordMedia. The research associations also nominate members of Nordicom's scientific advisory board from their respective countries.
The Swedish Media Barometer
Since 1994, Nordicom has been in charge of the annual Swedish Media Barometer [Mediebarometern] survey, which measures the Swedish population’s access to and use of various media. The survey is part of Nordicom's mandate from the Swedish Ministry of Culture. In addition, a number of media actors make important contributions to the Media Barometer's implementation and method development. These are the newspapers Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-Posten, and Svenska Dagbladet; the public service broadcasters Swedish Radio (SR), Swedish Television (SVT), and Swedish Educational Broadcasting (UR); the Swedish Agency for the Media; Dentsu Data Labs; and the Swedish Publishers’ Association and the Swedish Magazine Publishers Association.